Jonathan, Rachael, Elliott, and Eliza
(not pictured: Dash the dog, probably eating a book somewhere)
Jonathan is a storyteller, filmmaker, speaker, author, and illustrator.
As the pastor a children’s ministry of over a thousand kids and fifteen thousand YouTube subscribers, Jonathan is serious about the wonder of God’s story and how it can inspire the imagination of a child.
Jonathan’s use of storytelling, media, and fun to make the Bible easy to understand has led to breakthroughs in children’s ministry.
Along with his talented team at Grace Family Church, Jonathan continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in children’s ministry with vibrant and innovative curriculum.
He lives in sunny Tampa, Florida with his wife, Rachael, who loves to collect children’s books, and his two children Elliott and Eliza, who love to read. Their dog, Dash, unfortunately, only eats books, never reads them.